Pro Tools has the Eucon Protocol that is enabled for Controllers produced by AVID themselves. Eucon has two excellent navigation functions like when you click on a track with a mouse, the controller follows and selecting a VCA track gives you all the tracks that are inside that VCA group on the controller.
Now with the SSL UF8, if used with Pro Tools, we as the user, are sadly dependent on HUI protocol that is old and limited in its function.
SSL UF8 Controller in Pro Tools
But Solid State Logic created the 360° App and lets the user create shortcuts that can control the DAW function as well.
To make the (HUI) Controller follows the selected track, you need to click on a track with the hold of shift+control button.
That improves it to let the controller follow the selected track. For the second function you just need a little workaround with a shortcut inside Pro Tools, Routing Folder insider your session and some naming guidelines that I will show you in the short video. I hope you like it.
Please let me know which kind of shortcuts you use in your SSL UF8 within Pro Tools.